We saw many new technology innovations along with many tech-related concerns this past year. From new advancements in AI to stricter rules and regulations on data, 2018 was a busy year for business-related technology. So, what trends and inventions will we see this year? Here’s a look at the 5 business technology trends we think you should watch for in 2019.
Increased Automation
We will see more applications and tools that automate tasks for both business owners and consumers. Business process automation is the technology automation of complex processes. Automation can be used in a number of different areas including marketing and sales, as well as workflows that simplify processes, increase service quality, and contain costs. We already see examples of automation technology in the workplace, such as form automation software and chatbots.
Human and AI Collaboration
Speaking of chatbots, 2019 will bring improvements in AI technology. This will help chatbots and other computer systems respond better to customers and predict their needs as a human would. Maybe better. In 2018, 70% of enterprises implemented an AI strategy. AI technology enables them to make better business decisions and also helps them enhance customer support. As AI technology continues to develop, more business owners will take advantage of and implement these tools in their own company.
Increase in IoT Devices
Industry tools are becoming more intelligent and connected. This means we are going to see an increase in Internet-connected devices. We are already surrounded by the Internet of Things devices. From smart watches and cars to kitchen appliances, most electronics are internet enabled. By the end of the year, 26.7 billion IoT devices will be used worldwide. As we grow to understand how we can use IoT products in retail environments, manufacturing, and other areas, smaller businesses can feel confident embracing and investing in these technologies for their own companies.
Increased Cybersecurity and Data Security
Data security continued to be a hot topic in the media last year. It seemed that information about a different breach was released every other day. Consumers are worrying more about their data privacy, so businesses need to make cybersecurity a top priority. Technology will continue to advance so that predicting and protecting against attacks will be easier and quicker.
Reliance on Managed IT Services
Now that more people are aware of cybersecurity and we are in the midst of a skilled labor shortage, more businesses are relying on outside IT teams to manage their networks. Small to medium-sized businesses can benefit from managed IT services because it is more affordable than hiring an in-house team. Managed services providers (MSPs) are made up of multiple experts. This means that no matter what issue you are having, you can be assured you have the right resources to fix it.
Businesses will face new technology challenges in 2019. These challenges will usher in new technology innovations. Advances in business technology solutions will allow your company to grow more easily. Let us know if you are embracing any of these 5 business technology trends in your business.